Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 20--Time to chew again!

5/23, Thursday, -11 pounds total

Day 20 and I'm R-E-A-D-Y for some solid food.  Been craving a big green salad with grilled chicken from 730 South (a favorite neighborhood restaurant) or some juicy watermelon and plums....and I wouldn't turn down salty tortilla chips either.  I'm feeling good, thinner and less out of breath when I carry a load of laundry up the stairs--yes!  But I'm also feeling the NEED for some other dietary elements like protein and healthy carbs.  So I've done it...I've broken the fast!  I started with a cup of fresh raspberries and some almond butter--my taste buds were dancing with joy. 

When I started this, I didn't really have a set "done" date...I just wanted to see how far I could go on this and how healthy I could feel.  Overall, I've felt great, especially during days 5-17.  Unfortunately, I've had three migraines in the past four days (seasonal allergies, maybe?) and I think that's triggered some major food cravings in my body.  I've been dreaming about...rotisserie chicken.  And I'm definitely over beet juice, probably for life.

I'm planning to keep doing at least one-two juices or smoothies per day, plus eating "clean, whole foods" (very little/no sugar or processed foods).  I'm also committed to exercising regularly, whether that's walking in the neighborhood or going to the gym.  I feel so much better in my clothes with just 11 pounds gone...I want to lose at least 10-15 more pounds so I must continue to make good choices! 

For anyone who is considering a juice fast or "reboot", I say--DO IT!!  Grab your blender and/or juicer, stock up on veggies and fruit, visit some websites ( or for inspiration/recipes and go for it.  Even if it's only for one meal, one day, one week or one month, your body WILL thank you for putting some premium fuel in your tank!


  1. Bravo to my beautiful niece for accomplishing this feat! You are beautiful and you are strong and so cool that you could do this!

  2. Awww...Thanks, Auntie! But I think I'm more stubborn than strong!

  3. And today is the 31st of May! How are you doing now Gig? Still staying strong with the "living clean" deal? So proud of you!


Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, recipes--Thanks!