Saturday, May 11, 2013

DAY 8--To Weigh or Not to Weigh...

5/11, Saturday, Weight -5.0 pounds total
My delicious "Sunset Juice" lunch-- had 4 cups!
I truly cannot believe that I’m already into my second week of this juicing thing.  Time flies when you’re drinking… juices!  I didn't really have a set deadline in mind when I started, but I guess I was thinking 7 days minimum.  Now I'm definitely going at least 15 days and maybe 30... Depends on how I'm feeling, I suppose.  After that, I know I'll be drinking 1-2 juices per day for life.  Can't imagine giving up this feeling and going back to my "blah/meh/dizzy life."
It’s been five days since my last migraine and that is pretty unusual since I usually get 2-3 per week.  Had a long, busy day at work (lots of last-minute Mother's Day shoppers at the grocery store)

 and I definitely hit a “wall” of exhaustion at about 3 hours between juices, but I certainly feel better than I would have two weeks ago. 
I’ve been cruising websites for more info on this stuff—lots of great tips and tricks, but it’s all over the place.  So, I’m posting some words of wisdom from Joe Cross’ reboot website here about weighing yourself and weight loss.  (And yes, I wish I’d read this sooner...see Day Five on my blog.)
“If you’re on a Reboot, I don’t recommend weighing yourself everyday either. Of course it’s up to you, but understand that our bodies are miraculous things and no matter how strictly we are following a Reboot plan, our bodies tend to fluctuate at some point throughout a Reboot. It’s not worth the stress of getting on the scale every day only to see the scale might have increased two pounds (see below, stress can cause weight gain!)
However, if you’re on an extended Reboot (more than 3 days) and have committed to only weighing yourself one or two times a week and are still not seeing any weight loss, follow these tips:

1.)    Drink MORE juice. That’s right. I’ve had a few Rebooters reach out to me saying “Joe, I’m only consuming two juices a day and tons of water so how am I not shedding weight?” Well you have to drink more than two juices! Drinking too little juice can set the body into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism. It might sound crazy but that’s the beauty of a Reboot…more is better. Aim for 4 – 6 juices per day at about 16 – 20 oz. each.

2.)    Make sure your juices average about 80% vegetables and 20% fruit (that’s before they are juiced). We have plenty of good recipes with this ratio in our Reboot plans on so make sure you are utilizing those.

3.)    Learn to relax. Stress can have a negative impact on your weight loss as cortisol, a stress hormone, can slow weight loss down.

4.)    Think healthy rather than thin. (This is my personal favorite!)  Remind yourself of all the wonderful good you are doing for your body and your long-term health. The weight will follow.

5.)    Try new juice recipes and ingredients.  Give yourself a broader spectrum of nutrients if you are drinking the same thing too often. Always keep the vegetable to fruit split 80% to 20%.

6.)    Drink water. Remember to consume at least 64 oz. of filtered water every day.


  1. Well my goodness sake my beautiful neice! I remember so well the girl that would only eat MacDonald's burger/PB & J sandwiches and cold cereal! That was it.. and look at you now! Amazing that you are taking charge of your health like this.. no matter how crummy you felt along this journey.. you kept going and going and going... it has to be hard, but your outcome will be as fabulous as you!! xxx keep it up!

    1. Thanks, Bobbie! I've got a feeling that all that fast food has something to do with my health-crash a couple of years ago... Time to fix it or throw in the towel, right? Just goes to show that, if I can do this, ANYONE can do this!!!

  2. I'm really glad to hear this is working for you! Keep up the good work! How is the vertigo?

    1. Hi Monique--My vertigo is mainly related to the migraines and fatigue, so I'm doing well so far! Thanks for the encouragement--it really means a lot!!


Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, recipes--Thanks!