Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day One--Let the Juicing Begin!

Welcome to my blog--Get ready for the honest, down-and-dirty truth about my quest to get healthy at 51 years old.  I will hold nothing back, so if you are easily offended or "delicate", just skip that part.  I've decided to blog this journey, mainly to keep myself accountable to something. So here goes...

5/4/13, Saturday, DAY ONE
My husband, Mike, and I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" last night and I am PUMPED!  Ready to take on this juicing thing and get healthy after about 8 years of feeling like crap.  Here are the reasons I'm doing this juice fast-- I want to lose my chronic migraines, fuzzy thinking, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, bad mood, lack of energy, shortness of breath just going up stairs, dependence on caffeine, and 20-30 pounds.  I want to achieve a clear mind, energy, a feeling of health, the ability to jog/walk/exercise vigorously, feeling sexy (?) and looking great in clothes.
8:30 a.m. No coffee needed this morning, feeling motivated and pumped! Had a juice drink at 7 a.m., ready for work 30 minutes early.  I can do this! 
9:30 a.m.—headache creeping in…uh oh.  Don’t know if I should take anything for it since I’m supposed to stay off medication and caffeine.  I’ll just power through it, right?  Thank God it’s a super quiet day at work! 
1  p.m.—full-blown throbbing headache, super hungry, can I do this?!  Taking Excedrin migraine and drinking a cup of green tea, along with my lunch juice.  Checked the Joe website ( and turns out that he recommends slowly easing off caffeine…WTF?  Why didn’t someone tell me??  I’ll muddle through the rest of the day and sleep it off. 
5:30 p.m. – Home after work and veggie shopping with Mike, massive migraine, juice some dinner and watch tv for 4 hours.  I know I can do this, just need to get through the first four days!  Drank a glass of grapefruit juice before bed, dabbed some peppermint oil on and crashed at 10:30 p.m.  It’s weird—I’m peeing all the time but the color is almost clear.  Must mean that my body is sucking up those micronutrients.  No explosive diarrhea yet, either and I was kinda expecting that… I need to remind myself that my body will be living off of the extra 30 lbs of FAT on my body, not necessarily losing weight through my colon.

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