Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day Four--Temptation on my Mind

Day Four, Tuesday, 5/7  -4.0 pounds
Busy, long work day ahead… Bringing my juices with me, hoping to fend off the headache today.  Feeling good, had half decaf coffee, 1 cup for breakfast and 1 cup about 9:30 a.m.  Do NOT want to deal caffeine withdrawal headaches anymore so I’ll keep sneaking the caffeine for a couple more days.
5 p.m.--I’ve had 3 juices and 1 smoothie so far today.  Really anxious about tomorrow—we're having a picnic-style team-build at a park, with lots of food and goodies.  I’m supposed to make brownies and bring them for everyone…  I’m already dreading making them and smelling them.  SOOOOO tempting and I don’t want to lose momentum.  Need to be strong—this is my biggest challenge yet.  Just THINKING about solid food, and especially baked goods, is impossible right now. 
Under the category of "things your mother never told you"—when you make a juice with red beets, it’s a gorgeous crimson color.  But it also comes out the other end that same color and it’s a little scary at first—REALLY red!  Guess that's where the expression "beet red" comes from.  I know…too much information.
10 p.m.--Hardest night so far—went to Ikea and Target and SAW solid food—yummmmm.  So tempted to have a gluten-free waffle smothered in peanut butter and syrup or gluten free brownies! I made a yummy blueberry smoothie instead and watched my favorite show, "The Voice." Major headache came on at 9:30 p.m  so I'm just going to sleep it off. Hang in there… four days down!!  "Good on ya", as Joe Cross would say.

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