Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 7--Energy and Recipes

5/10--Friday, weight minus 5.5 pounds total

Woke up with a headache (just a normal headache, not a migraine...big difference) but it went away after I had my breakfast juice and some Tylenol!  I did go to bed hungry (ravenous) last night, so maybe that did it.  Guess I learned my lesson. 

Feeling great--in fact, my energy level is making me feel a little frantic at times, like I've had two double-espresso, extra-sweet lattes.  I think I need to exercise, something I haven't done with any regularity in A-G-E-S.  Time to dust off the old walking shoes and find my dumbbells under the bed.

Don't know if anyone is reading or following this blog, but if you are, feel free to share your favorite juice or smoothie recipes.  I'd love to get some new ideas and I'm sure others would too.  Here's a great green smoothie that's yummy and filling:

"Greena Colada"

1 cup pineapple (if I use canned, I include the juice)
1/2 cup almond milk
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1/2 lime, no peel
1 cucumber, peeled
1-2 cups kale
4 celery stalks
1/2 green apple

Blend well, YUM!  Note:  If you're using a regular blender, cut the celery and apple into pretty small pieces; add the ingredients in order to make blending easier.


  1. Hi Dizzy, I AM reading your blog and I wrote a comment this morning to your day 6, but it hasn't appeared! I don't know what happened to it. Any ideas? You are doing a great job. Thanks, Virginia.

  2. Hi again, I guess I figured out what I did wrong because I was able to get this comment to appear! Anyway, a quick recap of what I wrote this morning. I applaud you on your efforts! First of all that you are doing the juice reboot, and also because you are blogging about it! I think that's really great. I am really curious about doing a juice reboot myself. I have been following Joe's blog and that's how I found you. I have been on a health journey of my own and I have lost 50 lbs. I eat mostly a whole foods plant based diet. I eat no caffeine, no sugar, no white flour, no dairy. I have added exercise as well. I continu to do well, and I hope to lose 60 more lbs.! But, the idea of the juice reboot intrigues me because I feel that I need to jump start my weight loss. My theory is that the juice fast would help get rid of the stubborn fat reserves that seem to stay on and on despite weight loss (aka belly fat). So much for a "quick" recap, huh? I'm a little scared of doing a juice fast. Any tips or hints? Anyway, congrats on your success and keep on blogging! We are reading!

    1. Hi Virginia--So nice to "meet" you! It sounds like you're doing a great job of reclaiming your health. I can definitely relate in many ways. I've been learning along the way, mainly from reading Joe's blog and I'll definitely keep posting my crib notes on things I'm finding out. I really appreciate your support!

  3. Hi Gretchen,
    Way to go, keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks, Brian! So nice of you to follow my blog--you and Lynn are the models of health, so your support means a LOT! Miss you--

    2. Gretchen, miss you guys, too! Joe Cross' movie was really inspiring to me and Lynn.
      Check out Dr. Max Gerson and the movie, "The Beautiful Truth" if you haven't already.
      Very well documented medical studies the AMA doesn't want you to know about. Jay Kordich, the 'Juice Man' became a juicing 'evangelist' after he went to Dr. Gerson who cured him of bladder cancer as a young man. The main cure: green apple / carrot juice! "Hi" to Mike! B.


Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, recipes--Thanks!